Fire Department Driver Rank Insignias

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U. S. Marine Corps acronyms and expressions. Use the search bar to look for terms in all glossaries, dictionaries, articles and other resources simultaneously. This is a list of acronyms, expressions, euphemisms, jargon, military slang, and sayings in common or formerly common use in the United States Marine Corps. Many of the words or phrases have varying levels of acceptance among different units or communities, and some also have varying levels of appropriateness usually dependent on how senior the user is in rank. Many terms also have equivalents among other service branches that are not acceptable amongst Marines, but are comparable in meaning. Many acronyms and terms have come into common use from voice procedure use over communication channels, translated into the NATO phonetic alphabet, or both. The scope of this list is to include words and phrases that are unique to or predominantly used by the Marine Corps or the United States Naval Service. For other military slang lists, see the See also section. ALICE, MOLLE, or ILBE. Named after standard Marine Corps Form 7. Marines signed when they took custody of and responsibility for their equipment. Aabout face movement where a person or group turns and faces the opposite direction close order drill movement to turn about in a precise manner. AHA Ammunition Holding Area, where ammo is stored and issued. United States Navy ratings are general enlisted occupations used by the U. S. Navy from the 18th century, which consisted of specific skills and abilities. Date 122809 Time 549 AM Charles F. Anderson 394th Bomb Group 584th Bomb Squadron 3 years service Radio Communications School 1943 Chanute Field, Illinois. I reached a point where the only thing left to unlock were counselor skins. XP and rank meant nothing to me anymore, he told Kotaku via email. Get familiar with the US Navy glossary of terms. Military slang, or informal military terms, are colloquial terms used commonly by military personnel often as abbreviations or derivations of the NATO Phonetic. See also ASP. ahoy traditional nautical greeting, used for hailing other boats originally a Viking battle cry. AO Area of Operations, or the geographical region that falls under the responsibility of a unit to control and carry out a mission. APC large, white tablet formerly issued for minor discomfort, that was commonly albeit mistakenly called an all purpose capsule, in reality named after its ingredients aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine replaced by 8. Army term. ARMY Arent Ready for Marines YetArent Really Men Yet, pejorative backronym used by other branches. Marine Corps or government reservation. Asiatic mildly deranged or eccentric as a result of too much foreign duty, or one who has missed too many boats. ASP Ammunition Supply Point, where ammo is stored and issued. Richard Arthur Rahn, Fake Army Ranger Shows At VFW Event Is A Convicted Felon. Free glossaries at TranslationDirectory. U. S. Marine Corps acronyms and expressions. Fire Department Driver Rank Insignias' title='Fire Department Driver Rank Insignias' />See also AHA. Fanny pack. See also butt pack. See also active squadrons, inactive squadrons, aviation support units. HMX Marine Helicopter Squadron. HMH Marine Heavy Helicoper Squadron. PapatoetoeStation2.jpg/440px-PapatoetoeStation2.jpg' alt='Fire Department Driver Rank Insignias' title='Fire Department Driver Rank Insignias' />HML Marine Light Helicopter Squadrons. HMLA Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron. HMLAT Marine Light Attack Helicopter Training Squadron. HMM Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron. HMT Marine Heavy Helicopter Training Squadron. HMMT Marine Medium Helicopter Training Squadron. LAAD Bn Low altitude Air Defense Battalion. MACS Marine Air Control Squadron. MASS Marine Air support squadron. MALS Marine Aviation Logisitics Squadron. MOTS Marine Operational Training Squadrons. MTACS Marine Tactical Air Command Squadron. MWSS Marine Wing Support Squadron. MWCS Marine Wing Communications Squadron. MWHS Marine Wing Headquarters squadron. VMAQ Marine Electronic Warfare Squadron. VMA Marine Attack Squadron. VMAT Marine Attack Training Squadron. VMB Marine Bombing Squadrons. VMC Marine Composite Squadrons. VMCJ Marine Composite Reconnaissance Squadrons. VMD Marine Photographic Squadrons. VMF Marine Fighter Squadron. VMFN Marine Night Fighter Squadrons. VMFA Marine Fighter Attack Squadron. VMFAAW Marine All Weather Fighter Attack Squadron. VMFAT Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron. VMFP Marine Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron. VMGR Marine Aerial RefuelerTransport Squadron. VMGRT Marine Aerial RefuelerTransport Training Squadron. VMJ Marine Reconnaissance Squadron Marine Target Towing Detachments. VML Marine Glider Squadron. VMM Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron. VMMT Marine Medium Tiltrotor Training Squadron. VMO Marine Observation Squadron. VMP Marine Patrol Squadron. VMR Marine Transport Squadrons. VMS Marine Scouting Squadrons. Facebook Account Hacker Premium V2.0. VMSB Marine Scout Bombing Squadrons. VMTB Marine Torpedo Bombing Squadrons. VMTD Marine Target Towing Detachments. VMU Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron. VMX Marine Tiltrotor Operational Test and Evaluation Squadron. ZMQ Marine Barrage Balloon Squadronsaye aye or aye nautical term used as a response to orders meaning I understand the orders I have received and will carry them out supposedly a corruption of the words yea, yea, a claim advanced that Cockney accents changed the yea to yi, and from there to aye. Bbag nasty A ration. Marines usually recruits. BAH Basic Allowance for Housing, a pay addendum that allows a servicemember to maintain housing appropriate for his or her dependents when not living in government quarters. BAMCIS mnemonic for the troop leading steps, a tactical decision making process denotes Begin the planning, Arrange reconnaissance, Make recon, Complete the planning, Issue order, Supervise. BAS Basic Allowance for Subsistance, a pay addendum that allows a servicemember to feed his or her family in lieu of government dining facilities Battalion Aid Station, a units medical post ashore for routine illnesses and injuries. See also sick bay. Battalion Lance Corporal most senior non NCO in the unit the Lance Corporal most least likely promoted to the rank of Corporal. Marines to not go on liberty alone when stationed overseas. World War II. battle zero or BZO settings on the sights of a rifle that allow the shooter to overcome various factors and hit accurately at a given range, used as a default before adjusting for wind or distance also used as a verb when firing to obtain a BZO by trial and error. BB counter or BB stacker servicemember whose duties relate to the storage and issue of ordnance. See also COB. belay to cancel an order to stop to firmly secure a line. BEQ Bachelor Enlisted Quarters, living spaces for single enlisted Marine, usually a barracks. Marine has been fucked over or cheated by the Marine Corps, usually in relation to an inconvenience or unfair treatment. Company First Sergeant is held by the senior enlisted man of the company and acts as the commanders advisor, usually a First Sergeant, but could be a Master Sergeant or Gunnery Sergeant not to be confused with rank, though some billets have a traditionally held rank associated. Tagalog bundok or mountain jungles of the Philippines. Marine. just out of training. BOQ Bachelor Officer Quarters, housing for single Marine officers. Marines at Parris Island, SC and San Diego, CA while there are several explanations for it being so named, many refer to the fact that recruits wear boots nearly every day of their training. Marine Corps or naval station. Marines must polish. Air Force pilot, so termed for the appearance of early USAF uniforms and the function they serve. Fanny pack. See also ass pack. Barney style to perform an action in sequence and strictly according to regulations dummy proof, oversimplified for the benefit of lower intelligence people. CC S Clean Sober notation formerly entered on the liberty list beside the names of Marines returning from liberty in that condition. Terms used in Military Slang. Military slang, or informal military terms, are colloquial terms used commonly by military personnel often as abbreviations or derivations of the NATO Phonetic Alphabet, or otherwise incorporating aspects of formal military concepts and terms. Military, for the purposes of this article means armed forces i. American English meaning of military and therefore this article includes naval and air forces slang as well as the military slang of armies. Military slang is also used to reinforce the usually friendly interservice rivalries. Some of these terms have been considered derogatory to varying degrees and attempts have been made to eliminate them. English language military slang includes phrases such as 0 9. US Marines An Infantryman. Officially 0. 30. Bang Bang or 1. 1 BushUS Army An infantryman. Officially 1. 1 Bravo. Singapore A document attesting to the loss or accidental destruction of equipment. Pronounced as twelve oh six. BSingapore Also known as an SAF 1. B. Military identification card. Singapore Armed Forces. Pronounced as eleven bee. US Army Another name for the MRE beef franks. Used because they taste like death and there are four of them. Mike Mike US Army, US Marines 4. M2. 03 grenade launcher, often mounted underneath an M 1. Day Wonder Newly commissioned O 1 graduate of Officer Candidate School or DIRCOM Direct Commissioning program. Derogatory. 9. 6 B US Army An Intelligence Analyst Pronounced 9. Bravo from the MOS code system. AA GangUS Navy Auxiliary division onboard a ship or submarine. Responsible for sanitary, heatingAC, emergency diesels, hydraulics and. Anti aircraft fire, usually flak. Acorn boysUS, Civil War members of the US Armys XIV Corps, from its distinctive acorn cap badgeadm dayIndian Army day allocated for Barrack maintenance and other adm work. Admiral of the Narrow SeasInternational, 1. Century An officer who has just thrown up in the lap of his neighbor. Admirals eighthRN, 1. Century Admirals share of any booty or prize seized by his command. Admiralty hamRN, c 1. Tinned fish. Air BearUSAF Security or MP trooper. Air Dale UK and US Derogatory term for a pilot or aircrew. Air Force Mittens US Front pockets of BDU pants. Also, Air Force gloves. Compare with Bundeswehr gloves, below. African golfUS, obsolete White officers term for craps, for its popularity among black troops. Ali Baba UK, US and Iraq During the Iraq war, name for insurgents, local thieves and looters. Alfa Mike FoxtrotInfantry Adios Mother Fucker abbreviated using the. When used in garrison it is a friendly farewell. When used in combat situations it generally means that the person. Alpha RosterUS An alphabetical list by last name of all personnel within a unit. British Army, WW1 Chaplain. US Term used following a particular period of time to reference. Two days and a wake up, and Im goneAnnie Laurie. Br, WW1 transport away from the front pun on any lorryARABBritish Army Arrogant Regular Army Bastard. Pejorative Acronym. Archie British, WW1 Antiaircraft gun or fire in plural, gunsarmored cow AUS, WW2 Canned milk. ARMYUS Marines Arent Ready for Marines Yet. Pejorative Acronym. Army banjo Australian Army, WW1 1. Entrenching tool. Army strawberries AUS, WW2 Prunes. Armys Lawn Dart US UH 6. Black Hawk helicopter. Aptly named for its inability to stay in the air. Also Known as a Crash HawkArticle 1. US Army Nonjudicial Punishment from the Article in UCMJ that covers it. ASAP US As soon as possible without delay. Pronounced A sap long A for the first syllableasino morteItalian Dead donkey, term for canned ham. ASVAB waiverUS A slow or stupid servicemember references the militarys ASVAB intelligence and skills entrance test, the results of which were allegedly waived to allow enlistment of said servicemember. Armored vehicles. Well be driving behind a lot of ass today. E. Tanks, Bradleys, etc. US Disreputable or shabby. Attend B Singapore Written in abbreviated form as ATTN B personnel excused from strenuous or physical training, but are otherwise required to be present for the training or class. Attend C Singapore Written in abbreviated form as ATTN C personnel excused from training are in Attend C status. See profile. A fartsUS, 1. Armed Forces Radio and Television Service AFRTSBbagCanada Term used to denote the uselessness of a soldier, as in a bag of hammers. US Slang for the flightsuit worn by aircrew members. Come Into My Planet Soul Set You. US Describes a problematic or intractable situation. US Term for midnight on a 2. My watch is from balls to eight. US A servicemember financially unwilling or unable to go out in town during liberty. BasicUS Army and Air Force Initial training of new recruits. US, Civil War WW1 Infantryman. BCGsUS Birth Control Glasses. Military issued eyeglasses, noted for. BCCTSingapore Basic Close Combat Training. Download Adobe Premiere Pro Cc Crack Ita on this page. Company level combat training. US The general term for all types of supplies. US Slang for do some push ups and is commonly used in boot. Example Private Scum, you think that is funny BEAT YOUR FACEbelay thatEnglish speaking navies, origin probably RN Disregard the order just given. BFE or Bum Fuck EgyptUS An isolated deployment, or any other extremely isolated or. The variants BFN or Bum Fuck Nowhere are used in the same sense. BFR US Big fucking rock. Sometimes used as a reference point on tactical radios Were 1. BFR. BFW US Big fucking wrench. Refers to the wrench used on generators to tighten the grounding nut. BGB US Navy and Marines Big Gray Boat. Refers to large ships, e. UK A sick note from the medical centre excusing a soldier from PT. See profile and ATTN C. Big Chicken DinnerUS Bad Conduct Discharge, the less severe of the two types of punitive discharge that may be awarded by court martial the more severe being a dishonorable discharge. Big Red One US Army, WWII The First Infantry Division, so noted for the unit insignia of a single red 1. Big Red Pig U. S. Coast Guard Derogatoryaffectionate term for Icebreakers, which are painted red for visibility. Big White OneUS Coast Guard A 3. High Endurance Cutter, the largest White Boat rescue and law enforcement vessel in the US Coast Guard. Canada A supply technician or storesman. US Slang for an airplane or satellite. Bird, Ball and ChainUS Marines Cynical term for the Marine Corps Eagle, Globe and Anchor emblem. US Slang for an aircraft carrier. US Slang for a Colonel O 6, whose insignia is an eagle, as opposed to a Lieutenant Colonel, who wears oak leaves. CadillacsCanada Combat boots. Used ironically in reference to use as a mode of transport. UK SAS Trooper employed in a Sabre Squadron. Canada A traitorous or untrustworthy person one who would betray. Can also be used as a verb. US, Canada A form of hazing meted out to unpopular service. Involves covering the head and arms of the target with a. UK Any storeman even if he doesnt deal with blankets. Also applied to the Royal Logistic Corps in general, even though their duties include everything from catering to bomb disposal as well as storekeeping. France A recruit. BlockUS Army, 1. Civilian life before enlisting. Bloody BucketsUS Members of the 2. Infantry Division, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, whose division insignia is a red keystone. BlogginsCanada Name used to show examples during lectures ie.