Come Into My Planet Soul Set You

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I have heard it asserted by some, that as America has flourished under her former connection with Great Britain, the same connection is necessary towards her future. My Planet Fitness Workout Routine. I joined a gym and Im going to tell you all about it. But before I do, I want you to know that if you are significantly obese and feel you cant exercise. Or that you have to join a gym or buy exercise equipment. Or workout for a full hour to make a difference. Well that is NOT the case. So even though I joined a gym,  I want you to remember that is not where I started. I started walking at 4. You can read about it here. I counted mailboxes. Mine.  Then the next door neighbors. The house after that. Eventually I made it to 5 miles. And then I had a setback. My knee was injured and I could barely walk. I had to take some time off. Due to a meniscus tear and arthritis in my left knee, I was told to stop the lengthy walks. And try swimming instead. So I got in the pool and started swimming. And then my brother  who has been a huge inspiration to me through this process came out to visit last weekend. To help me rethink my exercise routine. He took me to Planet Fitness and now Im a member My brother gave me a great workout that I can do even with my knee issues. I am going to share it with you because maybe it can help others. Planet Fitness is a very low key, nonjudgemental enviroment. Which is great for someone who feels apprehensive about the gym. And theyre cheap You may look at my routine and thinkhuh Can that really be enoughBut if increasing 3. Then it will work for me now. Its easy and do able. And because of that it is a guaranteed victory You start simple. T-Shirt Iron On Programs here. Keep it simple. Check the box. Accomplish your goals. And before you know it those 3. So Im taking you with me for a day in the life of me at Planet Fitness. Here we go Front Desk. Come Into My Planet Soul Set You Free' title='Come Into My Planet Soul Set You Free' />Mary, first of all, my hats off to you with your impressive taste in family hauling vehicles. The Audi A6 Avant was really an excellent blend of luxury, practicality. The latest news articles from Billboard Magazine, including reviews, business, pop, hiphop, rock, dance, country and more. Pasqualie so hard not to feel like an asshat when you set your phone up to tape your workout at the gym, but it really is a great way to make sure youre doing an. They are so non judgemental that they have a giant bowl of tootsie rolls at the front door. Im staying away from theseCandy and I are no longer friends They also have Bagels and Pizza. Skipping those too as they are literally two of my formerly favorite binge foods This is what it looks like when I walk in. Blake Shelton Is Peoples 2017 Sexiest Man Alive Amber Heard Says She Doesnt Label Her Sexuality Rose McGowan Turns Herself In For Felony Drug Possession. Its like someone shrank it into a little Miata and then turned it into a dune buggy This is Brian Ballinger and Chris Smithss build for the next Gambler 500. Plenty of equipment No critics You belong Judgement Free Zone. Lunk Alarm Now here is the exact workout my brother gave me. Here is my first stop. The Recumbent Bike. You have to adjust the seat to work for you. I go for 1. 0 minutes at Level 2. I wear a heart rate monitor that has two components. It wraps around my waist yes I can get it around there now. The other part is a watch. The equipment automatically picks up my heart rate from the monitor I am wearing. No need to hold onto the bars to get a heart rate The heart rate monitor has become invaluable. I know what my heart rate is when Im working out intensely. It lets me know what to aim for and what is too low or too high. The 1st 1. 0 minutes on the bike are my warm up. The 2nd 1. 0 minutes are at a higher intensity and THIS is what I add 3. So today I was up to 1. Tomorrow it will be 1. And so on. The fact that I can FIT on the bike is a very big deal. I could not have done that 1. I will admit that I was scared to get on the bike because of my knee injury. I thought bending my knee like that would probably just make it worse. I was wrong. The recumbent bike has made a big difference already. My knee does initially hurt when I start using it. Cracking and popping and making lots of fussBut after about 5 minutes, it settles in and Ive found that I can bend it and go up stairs much easier even after just a few days After the bike, I move to the Elliptial. I HATE IT The first day I got on it which was just last week my heart rate was already into the 1. I had done was stand on it It reminded me of the first day I started counting mailboxes. But now Im up to 5 minutes. I started with 4 and I am actually only adding 1. My brother and I discussed it and decided that is best for this one. It will get my heart rate up into the maximum zone faster than anything. I have a feeling that this will be my toughest challenge yet. After my bike and elliptical routines, I head to the stretching area where I get a floor mat. I literally get down on the floor and then get back up. Trust methis is HARD for me. I have not been able to get on the floor and then get back up in YEARSFor me this is a major accomplishement. My brother has me doing a yoga move called Cat Cow. Basically you are on your hands and knees and you stretch. You look up and arch your back like a cow. And then you look down and move your back up like a cat. I started with 4 times and I add one every day. Today I did 6. I think I have my eyes closed in this picture But at least I got back on my feetDo I feel kind of stupid getting up and down off the floor A little. But who cares. Im there for MEAnd to be truthfulI have seen so far people of every age, size and even disability in this gym. It is not a place that makes you feel self conscious. So now you know my entire Planet Fitness Routine. I drop the kids off at school and head immediately to the gym. Just the fact that Im exercising again has made a HUGE difference. Mentally more than physically. When you accomplish the goals you set, your confidence grows. My brother calls exercise the Anti Venom. And its true. Because even if its 3. Its the fact that you set a goal and you accomplished it. And when you do that, a switch flips in your brain. And says WOW YOU ROCK And it seeps over into other areas. Like eating. You gain strength and power from accomplishing those goals. And it gives you the ability to overcome in other areas too. So in some ways Im starting over again. Getting back into exercise after my setback. But this is a lot like my life. Sometimes youre cruising along and get derailed. But thats when you regroup. And start again. Whether its 1. Slowly but surely we will win the raceRaga film Wikipedia. Raga is a 1. 97. 1 documentary film about the life and music of Indian sitarist. Ravi Shankar, produced and directed by Howard Worth. It includes scenes featuring Western musicians Yehudi Menuhin and George Harrison, as well as footage of Shankar returning to Maihar in central India, where as a young man he trained under the mentorship of Allauddin Khan. The film also features a portion of Shankar and tabla player Alla Rakhas acclaimed performance at the 1. Monterey Pop Festival. The majority of the documentary was shot in the late 1. Shankars growing popularity saw Indian classical music embraced by rock and pop musicians and their audiences. Financial problems then delayed production until Harrison provided assistance through the Beatles company Apple Films. In addition to actively promoting Raga, Harrison produced the soundtrack album a project that led directly to he and Shankar staging the Concert for Bangladesh in August 1. The films working title was alternately East Meets West and Messenger Out of the East. In 2. 01. 0, to coincide with celebrations for Shankars 9. East Meets West Music released a fully remastered version on DVD, titled Raga A Film Journey into the Soul of India. The expanded soundtrack album was also made available, via digital download. ProductioneditNew York film maker Howard Worth began work on Raga, a documentary film on Indian classical musician. Ravi Shankar, in 1. Shankar describes in My Music, My Life 1. The latter term reflected the interest that had grown in the West for Indian music and its extended works, known as ragas, over 1. Beatles and other rock bands adoption of the multi stringed sitar into their sound. Aided by his befriending George Harrison of the Beatles,7 this phenomenon resulted in Shankar achieving pop star status. Music critic Ken Hunt describes him as having become the most famous Indian musician on the planet in 1. Shankar was uncomfortable with this development,9 since his training had instilled in him a sacred purpose for Indias musical heritage1. Nada Brahma Sound is God. The film documents Shankars concern that while old traditions were dying in India, they were simultaneously being misappropriated by Americas youth culture,1. West choosing to associate Indian classical music with psychedelic drugs. Speaking in 2. 01. Raga, Worth recalled that he disliked Indian music initially, but soon changed his view. At the request of Canadian television producer Nancy Bacal, he attended a private recital by Shankar, in the company of singers Judy Collins and Leonard Cohen, a performance that convinced Worth that he wanted to direct the planned Shankar documentary after all. Worth also served as producer,2. Bacal worked on a script at Collinss house in California. The film was originally called East Meets West, according to author Peter Lavezzoli 2. Messenger Out of the East was an alternative working title. The first of these titles referenced West Meets East, Shankars 1. American violinist Yehudi Menuhin, and the winner of the 1. Grammy Award for Best Chamber Music Performance. FilmingeditTo be received like this in a foreign land my God, it is overwhelming. I never felt so much warmth and openness, so much love for our music But I wonder how much they can understand, and where all this will lead to. Shankars opening narrative in Raga. Much of Raga was shot during the first half of 1. Atube Catcher Portable. India, particularly Bombay,1. Shankars Kinnara School of Music since 1. Among the scenes filmed in India, Shankar directs musicians such as Shivkumar Sharma, Hariprasad Chaurasia and Kartick Kumar in a Bombay studio and, in a scene titled Vinus House, enjoys a casual musical get together with singer Vinay Bharat Ram and violinist Satyadev Pawar. Maihar Railway Station in 2. In Raga, Shankar journeys by train to Maihar as part of his reaffirmation of his cultural roots. Early in the film, Shankar travels by train to the Madhya Pradesh town of Maihar, to see his father in law and esteemed music teacher or guru, Allauddin Khan,2. Baba. 2. 72. 8 Worth recalls this visit as a nervous occasion for Shankar,1. Whenever I think of Baba, I have a mixture of fear and awe. For us, guru is sometimes greater even than God. Another scene features dancers from the South Indian kathakali tradition,2. Shankars early career as a dancer with elder brother Udays pioneering troupe during the 1. According to Worth, the emotional highpoint of filming was when Shankar visited his spiritual guru,1. Tat Baba. 3. 13. In his own teaching activities, Shankar is shown mentoring students at Kinnara,2. Allauddin Khan. 3. Shankar later reflects on the comparative rush to master the intricacies of Indian music by his Western students in Los Angeles,2. Kinnara School in May 1. Raga includes footage of a pair of celebrated live performances by Shankar from 1. Lavezzoli describes as the annus mirabilis for Indian music in the West. The first performance was from the Monterey Pop Festival in northern California on 1. June, where Shankar was accompanied by his longtime tabla player, Alla Rakha. The film shows Shankar and his companion Kamala Chakravarty3. American musicians Jerry Garcia and Jimi Hendrix among the enthralled spectators while he plays, according to Lavezzoli. The second of these 1. Menuhin and Shankar,4. Human Rights Day, at the United Nations building in New York. Shankars scenes with George Harrison were filmed at the Esalen Institute in California. Another milestone for the popularity of Indian music was the June 1. Beatles Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band album,4. Lavezzoli writes, was George Harrisons Indian composition Within You, Without You. Harrison joined Shankar in Madras in April 1. Beatles stay at Maharishi Mahesh Yogis meditation ashram in Rishikesh,4. Raga. 4. 7 Worth subsequently filmed Harrisons contributions at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California,4. June 1. 96. 8. 4. In one of the scenes, Harrison receives sitar tuition from Shankar in another, they both participate in a singing class2. Kinnara. 5. 0 While his immersion in Indian music had been the most significant factor behind Shankars recent rise to international fame,4. Harrison would later cite this visit to Esalen as presaging the end of his commitment to the sitar. California was also the location for the films penultimate scene, in which Shankar, looking out over a windswept beach, questions the validity of his attempts to bring Indian culture to America. In his narration for the scene, he reads out a passage adapted from My Music, My Life, reaffirming his belief in Nada Brahma. Apple Films involvementeditAfter the main filming over 1. India and the United States,5. Raga. 6. 0 According to Worths recollection, the original financier for the project, whom he describes as Ravis manager, was forced to back out, having been committed to a psychiatric ward. In Raga Mala, Shankar says that he financed the film himself, adding which was rather sad because it cost a large amount and I only realised this later4. Once back in New York, Worth contacted Harrison, hoping to secure support from United Artists,1. Wyman Center Top Program. Beatles feature films A Hard Days Night, Help Yellow Submarine.